Last additions - Luxor Temple |

15 viewsFeb 04, 2009

16 viewsFeb 04, 2009

The head of Tutankhamun - the boy king - he was a Egyptian Pharaoh when he was 9 (1333 BC), he died when he was 18.53 viewsFeb 04, 2009

15 viewsFeb 04, 2009

The Temple of Luxor17 viewsFeb 04, 2009

19 viewsFeb 04, 2009

This reminded me a bit of our Grand Canyon.17 viewsFeb 04, 2009

One can clearly see the Nile turned the desert into fertile green zones along its banks.15 viewsFeb 04, 2009

It certainly change my perception of a desert. The Sahara has hills and gorges - formed by sand stones that created from sand during millions of years.16 viewsFeb 04, 2009

In a flight from Cairo to Luxor - we will board the M/S River Anuket at Luxor for a 7-day Nile cruise.13 viewsFeb 04, 2009