Random files - 2009-01 Egypt and Jordan |


We were at the Valley of the Kings - unfortunately, we were not allowed to take any pictures inside the tombs some of which were exceptionally beautiful.23 views




This is a model of Valley of the Kings14 views


Our ship docked in front of this new hotel that had not been sold yet and, hence, had not been named.4 views
Last additions - 2009-01 Egypt and Jordan |

In this sequense of shots, I try to recreate the experience from barely seeing the famous Treasury (also know as the Khazneh) to views every 10 to 20 steps until the full view.24 viewsFeb 09, 2009

The Temple, popularly known as the Qasr al-Bint Firaun ("The Castle of Pharaoh's Daughter").25 viewsFeb 09, 2009

The Royal Tombs21 viewsFeb 08, 2009

Three amigos floating on the Dead Sea - taken by Viota using Bing's camera, thank you, Viota!18 viewsYou can float with your arms and feet above the water. The local past time is to read the newspaper while floating on the Dead Sea.Feb 08, 2009

Riding horse out of Petra for the last quarter mile - taken by Bing19 viewsFeb 08, 2009

Riding horse out of Petra for the last quarter mile - taken by Bing15 viewsFeb 08, 2009

Group Picture - Taken with Bing's camera19 viewsFeb 08, 2009

This is a clearer view of the Sig (narrow canyon) by which we enter the City of Petra23 viewsFeb 08, 2009